How About Premium Delivery Service?

If you try to run errands during your busy day, you most likely try to go before or after work, or during your lunch break. Unfortunately, that can mean hitting rush hour traffic and missing much needed meals. When it comes to dry cleaning, that’s just another chore on the to-do list. We know that your time is valuable, which is why we offer free Home Delivery to all of our customers.

With our Home Delivery Service, not only do we fit into your busy lifestyle, but we make everything seamlessly easy for you! To get started, sign up online by clicking here. Our representatives will reach out to put the finishing touches on your account and inform you of your delivery schedule. From there all you have to do is leave the bag for Crest Cleaners and wait for us to bring it back.

Let Crest Cleaners help you cut down your to-do list. With free Home Delivery, you can save so much time and money is a day, a week… well, forever! Sign up today!