Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, with other holidays following soon after. Although the holidays might look a bit different than usual this year, one thing will remain constant: Along with these festive times comes colder temperatures in our area. As we all relish in the joy that spending time with loved ones brings, why not share the warmth with some of our neighbors who need it most? Thanks to a collaboration between Crest Advanced Dry Cleaners and NBC4, Burke & Herbert Bank, and the Salvation Army, giving back to your community never been easier! Our Share the Warmth Coat Drive is the perfect safe and socially-distant opportunity to help others this winter.
What is the Share the Warmth Coat Drive?
Between now and December 18, 2020, we are asking our community members to consider donating new or gently used coats to go to DC-area community members in need. As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic has been tough on a lot of people, particularly the over 5,000 homeless folks living in our region. Some of our neighbors might need some extra assistance to stay warm this winter, and donating a coat is a great way to give back to the community without putting yourself or others in any danger as the pandemic continues. One coat could go a long way in bringing a smile to someone’s face during these difficult times!
How can I donate?
At Crest, the safety of our customers and community members is our primary concern. We are committed to collecting donations in the safest way possible. Because of this, we are offering multiple options for those who wish to donate. You can drop off donations at any of our Crest locations throughout the region, notifying the representative that the coat is a donation for the Share the Warmth drive. We also offer a free no-contact pickup service, available to Crest customers as well as other community members! If you are a Crest customer, simply leave the coat in a non-Crest bag labelled “STW” on your normal pickup day. If you are not a Crest customer, take a few moments to sign up for a free account using the promo code “STWCOAT” and we will contact you shortly with instructions for pickup.
If you have any more information about the Share the Warmth Coat Drive or other services offered by Crest, contact us today!